Our marketing and PR campaigns bring brands to life by creating eye-catching, compelling articles, press releases and ads that are finely tuned to capture your desired target audience. We make sure that your brand gets noticed.


Tailor-made marketing strategies

Marketing is the cornerstone of any sales program, because it determines how an audience perceives a product or service. An effective marketing strategy addresses four basic elements: product, price, promotion and distribution. Find the perfect balance and you'll be positioned for success. To help you do so, we stay on top of social trends, cultural influences and technological developments, tracking their effects on consumers and purchasing behavior.

What Do We Offer?

Take advantage of our marketing and PR expertise. Our dedicated team of creative professionals offers you the following services:


Branding services:

  • Marketing strategy development
  • Branding and positioning
  • Graphic design & content creation

PR services:

  • Public relations and media outreach
  • Product promotion
  • Newsletters & mailing lists

Online services:

  • Online demand generation
  • Viral marketing strategies
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)


Contact us today to find out how our marketing strategies can give you the competitive advantage that will propel your business to success.

Press Releases

Over the years, Eagle Marketing has helped hundreds of clients hone their telecommunication strategies to meet the demands of the modern marketplace. 

July 1, 2024

LyndDahl Telecom has hired Eagle Marketing as their Manufactures Representative for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.

At LYNDDAHL TELECOM we deliver complete piping solutions for fibre optic installations to the telecom industry. We have developed the concept – One-Stop-Shopping, so that you as a telecom company only have to go to one place for all the supplies you need to for a complete installation of the passive part of your telecom solutions.

You can order all your supplies for your fibre optic installation – microducts, sheet microtubes, cable slab, joint boxes, fittings etc. Once you have placed your order, you need not worry about the logistics, as we can deliver the material on site, just where you need them. And we can collect excess material, so you do not have to get rid of the excess waste.

September 1, 2023

Jonard Tools has hired Eagle Marketing as their Manufactures Representative for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.

Founded in 1958, Jonard Tools® manufactures tools for the Telecom, CATV, Fiber Optic, Home Automation, Security & Alarm, and Electrical markets. Jonard Tools designs and engineers patented products by utilizing customer partnerships to create innovative solutions for industry needs. New tools are released each month and are all Made For Life® with lifetime warranties. Through quality and innovation Jonard aims to move the industry forward and connect the world

January 1, 2023 

VeEX has hired Eagle Marketing as their Manufactures Representative for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.

VeEX® develops innovative test and measurement solutions for next generation communication equipment and networks. Founded in April 2006 by test and measurement industry veterans, VeEX products blend advanced technology and vast technical expertise with the discerning measurement needs of customers. 

VeEX products diligently address all stages of network deployment, maintenance, field service turn-up, and service verification features across Fiber Optics, CATV/DOCSIS, Mobile, Next-Generation Transport Network, Fibre Channel, IPTV, WiFi, Synchronous, Datacenter and Carrier Ethernet technologies.

July 20, 2022

Mike Teeslink has joined the Eagle Marketing sales team.  


Mike begins a new career as a Manufacture' Representative for Eagle Marketing in the states of South Dakota and Nebraska.  


He has 12 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, most recently working for Border States Electric.  Mike brings an outgoing personality and a strong background in OSP and CO product applications for wireless, broadband, enterprise and fiber optic network construction.


Mike’s focus will be working with the contractors, engineers, channel partners and Tier III ILEC’s, Municipalities, MSO’s, Utilitiy companies in South Dakota and Nebraska.  He will be promoting these industry leading manufacturers: Commscope, Fitel, Fluke Networks, New Basis, Plumettaz, Trident  Solutions(Rhino, Presco, Proline, LEM, William Frick) and Vertiv. 


Mike and his family reside in the Sioux Falls, SD area.


He can be contacted at: mteeslink@eaglemarketing.net and 605-413-5931.


June 10, 2022 -

Servato - Has hired Eagle Marketing as their Manufacture Representative for the states of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin​.  Our solutions automate time-consuming battery maintenance, charge backup batteries intelligently to extend battery life, and provide the most complete picture of backup power systems. With Servato’s Active Battery Management Solutions, customers can feel confident in the reliability of their backup power systems knowing that they are slowing battery failure with our Smart Power System™.  They also have access to the most accurate State of Health readings in the industry,  available through the ActiView® Platform.


February 28, 2022

Please join me in welcoming Marcus Behnken to the Eagle Marketing sales team.  
Marcus begins a new career as a Manufacture' Representative for Eagle Marketing in the states of Iowa and Nebraska.  
He has over 25 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, most recently working for Liberty Communications.  Marcus brings a outgoing personality and a strong background in Network Engineering for OSP and CO applications for wireless and fiber optic network construction.
Marcus’s focus will be working with the contractors, engineers, channel partners and Tier III ILEC’s, Municipalities, MSO’s, Utilitiy companies in Iowa and Nebraska.  Marcus and his family reside in the Cascade Iowa area.
He can be contacted at: mbehnken@eaglemarketing.net and (563)590-7645.
I appreciate you joining me in providing a warm welcome to Marcus.


November 2021

Roughly $42 billion will go toward the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program, which will be managed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)://broadbandusa.ntia.doc.gov/news/latest-news/ntias-role-implementing-broadband-provisions-2021-infrastructure-investment-and


April 15, 2021

New Basis - Has hired Eagle Marketing as their Manufacture Representative for the states of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, UP of Michigan and Eastern Montana.  New Basis manufactures pads and below ground polymer concrete & fiberglass/poly concrete enclosures for telecommunications, electrical, CATV, Water, traffica, lighting and industrial applications.


For more information about New Basis, go to



December 7, 2020

In the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction (Auction 904), 180 bidders won $9.2 billion over 10 years to provide broadband to 5.2M locations in 49 states and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands



March 1, 2019

Plumett has hired Eagle Marketing as Manufacture Representative's in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota.  Plumett offers Jetting Machines, Cable Pushers and Pullers, and many other tools to assit in jetting, pulling and pushing cables through conduit and pips.  For more information, they can be reaced at www.plumettaz.com 


January 4, 2019

Eagle Marketing has joined the Minnesota Rural Eleactic Association as a Vendor Member.  Here is more information on who the MREA is:  "MREA’s mission is “to provide valued service promote unity among our members through collaborative leadership and expertise.” MREA works hard to provide service to ALL members – large and small – without regard to their size.  This can be challenging as we recognize the incredible diversity that exists among our members. Our members range from co-ops with 1,900 consumers to co-ops that serve more than 129,000 consumers. Our members are diverse in other ways too, including their geographic location, which generation and transmission co-op provides their wholesale power, how many states they operate in, etc. Although MREA responds to a wide range of issues, our goal is to always act in the best interests of all members. Whether we’re connecting members to the information they need, conducting a safety service day, or lobbying at the capitol, MREA’s purpose is to create value for each member and maintain unity among our co-op members."  

For more information, please visit:



December 13, 2018

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue today announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is offering up to $600 million in loans and grants to help build broadband infrastructure in rural America. Telecommunications companies, rural electric cooperatives and utilities, internet service providers and municipalities may apply for funding through USDA’s new ReConnect Program to connect rural areas that currently have insufficient broadband service. Answering the Administration’s call to action for rural prosperity, Congress appropriated funds in the fiscal year 2018 budget for this broadband pilot program. USDA Rural Development is the primary agency delivering the program, with assistance from other federal partners.  More information at: USDA.gov


October 2018

The Connect America Fund Phase II (Phase II) is part of the Commission’s reform and modernization of its universal service support programs.  In 2018, the Commission conducted an auction (Auction 903) to allocate Phase II support to certain eligible areasacross the United States.  Auction 903 ran from July 24, 2018 to August 21, 2018.  103 bidders won $1.49 billion over 10 years to provide fixed broadband and voice services to over 700,000 locations in 45 states.  (See full auction results.)




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